How To Be Productive Throughout The Day.

“Focus on being productive instead of busy.”

Ashish Nishad
6 min readOct 20, 2020
Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash

Sometimes when I go to sleep at night, it seems as if the day has just passed… It is not that I wasted any time on a useless activity… I rather sit at my desk and work was doing it..or was trying to say… .but could not do anything special.

Does the same happen to you? Would probably happen!

That is why I thought that let’s do a little study on this subject and know. How the world’s most productive people can make themselves like this. And based on this study.

What is being productive?
This means that in terms of the effort you put, how much output did you get.


If “A” reads a chapter in 5 hours and “B” completes the same chapter in 3 hours, then “B” is more productive.

But in our case, we do not have to compare anyone else…

Here A is also us and B is also us.

All we have to do is to increase our productivity by adopting some proven methods.

So that we can do more work in less time and spend the remaining time with our children, friends, and parents or pursue any interest or hobby.



Ashish Nishad

Software Developer, 2x Top Writer, Content Writer, Dreamer. I write About Productivity, Investment, Money and Ideas.